
Identity Claims

The nature of identity is a set of claims about them, each claim contains information related to an individual, organization, or any entity. The Identity Claims can represent the ownership of a digital certification of an online programming course or a digital version of the national identity card. Users can acquire these claims by requesting the issuance from identity providers, and then generate proof of identity based on them.

Identity Proofs

Proving who you are is one of the most common actions users need to perform while accessing digital services. Unfortunately, many existing proving processes are either not secure or require users to share unnecessary information, which has been exposing users to the risks of data breaches. At Ziden, we enable privacy-by-default features by allowing users to generate zero-knowledge proofs when proving their identity so that they can actively share personal data unnecessarily disclosing private data.

Key Players

The core mission of digital identity solutions is to establish trust relationships between individuals and services for their interaction in the digital space.

As described above, there are usually three main parties involved in these relationships:

  • Users: entities with their identity and need to prove who they are.

  • Identity Providers: entities with the authority or ability to make claims about users’ identities; they can be universities, government agencies, etc.

  • Service Providers: entities requiring to verify the information about users before providing customer services or products; these entities could be employers, banks, financial institutions, etc.

In Ziden’s solutions, there are three key players in the Ziden ecosystem: Holders, Issuer, and Verifier, which represent users, identity providers, and service providers

  • The Holders, who own their personal data, can store them from their digital identity wallet and selectively share them with others to prove their identity, skills, and achievements.

  • The Verifiers are entities validating or authenticating the credential. For example, they could be a company or organization that requires a diploma for recruitment.

  • The Issuers, as the name suggested, are entities having the authority to issue Verifiable Credentials. They could be your college university giving you a diploma after finishing the course, governmental organizations issuing you a national ID, etc.

With this new approach, user data is securely stored on their personal devices or client encryption storage, together with their digital signature, ensuring no one can impersonate them to access permission services.

Moreover, our solutions utilize blockchain ledgers as the data layer of the SSI model so our system inherits benefits from the decentralized environment. Peer-to-peer interactions are enabled to enhance users’ privacy and independence from any centralized organization, and the issuance and verification process is executed on-chain with a high level of transparency and security.

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